What is a Cataract?
Cataract is a disease of the lens, typically leading to slow vision loss which can be reversed with cataract surgery, the most common procedure performed in the US. There are different types of cataracts affecting one or both eyes, which can develop at different ages. Once the vision can no longer be improved with glasses or contacts, and is causing problems in daily life, then elective cataract surgery may be recommended.
How is Cataract Treated?
Currently, cataracts are removed via a short outpatient minimally invasive procedure, typically under local sedation. A replacement lens is chosen based on visual needs and glasses wear.
Dr. Chang offers both extended depth of focus and trifocal (multifocal) intraocular lenses to reduce glasses dependence.
About Cataract Surgery
Resource Links to learn more about cataract
Basics: https://www.aao.org/eye-health/diseases/what-are-cataracts
More advanced: https://eyewiki.org/Cataract
What is a Refractive Cataract Surgeon?
After cataracts are removed, there are several lens choice options to replace the natural lens. The standard lens implant placed without any additional charge is called a monofocal lens with a single focus point which is generally set to make eyes see well at distance.
A refractive cataract surgeon offers premium lens upgrades for an additional charge (like LASIK) in place of monofocal lenses to reduce glasses dependence. This means managing astigmatism with toric lenses and choosing the Vivity or Panoptix multifocal lens depending on if your eye is a good candidate. Another option is also monovision if familiar with that previously while wearing contact lenses.
Dr. Chang specializes in complex cataract, refractive cataract, and cataract combined with glaucoma. He has performed thousands of surgeries since 2009 using the latest diagnostic measurement and lens removal technologies. He wants to help you achieve your best potential vision.